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PURO TANGO Festival 2nd edition

21 noiembrie 2024 (6:00 PM) - 25 noiembrie 2024 (1:00 AM)

***English BellowRODragi prieteni tanguero din Romania, pe voi, cei de acasa, va invitam sa realizam impreuna visul de a pune Bucureștiul pe harta internationala a evenimentelor importante de tango.Am creat acest eveniment pentru voi si punem in el toate eforturile, energia si determinarea, deoarece ne dorim ca la final sa ramaneti cu totii in suflete, cu momente memorabile.Au mai ramas 4 saptamani de Gold Early Bird, un pachet gandit sa includa toate milongile si seminariile in doar 200 EU.Am invitat Maestri de seama, care stralucesc atat ca profesori si artisti cat si ca oameni, cu iubire de oameni si si cu dorinta de a darui.Fiecare milonga are o tema care sa va provoace imaginatia si creativitatea in alegerea tinutelor si accesoriilor vestimentare. Echipa de TDj -i este formata din nume importante, care s-au remarcat prin talent si inspiratie in crearea tandelor si alegerea cortinelor, conexiunea cu dansatorii de pe ronda si obtinerea de energii frumoase in milongile in care au fost “Maestri Vrajitori” ai muzicii. Fiecare dintre ei va va introduce in atmosfera temei propuse de noi pentru milonga al carei musicalizador va fi.Locatiile pe care le-am ales pentru acest eveniment important imbina noul si vechiul, modernul si clasicul. Deschiderea festivalului va avea loc la Palatul Camerei de Comert si Industrie a Muncicipiului București, in Centrul Vechi, inima capitalei. Sala de Bal va va purta inapoi in timp si va va oferi oportunitatea de a trai pentru o seara atmosfera feerica a balurilor inaltei societati a anilor 1900. Terra Events Hall este o locatie de evenimente noua si eleganta ce ofera un spatiu generos si aerat, are o energie foarte frumoasa si confortabila, si pune la dispozitie o suprafata de dans perfecta pentru pivotari.Va asteptam cu drag si tango, la PURO TANGO Festival, sa asternem o pagina de aur in albumul cu amintiri tangueras!*******ENPURO TANGO Festival it’s about connecting tangueros worldwide.So come to Bucharest and LET’S MAKE A NOVEMBER TO REMEMBER!Dearest tango friends from all over the world, we invite you to visit Bucharest, the capital city of Romania and get to know us, our customs, our cuisine, while being part of THE TANGO EVENT of the fall, PURO TANGO Festival!Reconnect with old tango friends or meet new ones, while spending 4 nights and 3 days studying tango with great Maestros and dancing tango in 7 wonderfully musicalized by a team of very talented and inspired TDjs, themed milongas!There are 4 more weeks of Gold Early Bird and it really is golden, as it offers you the FULL EXPERIENCE ( 6 seminars, 4 night milongas and 3 day milongas ) for only 200 EU.Our partner, Hotel Caro, offers you a very good accommodation experience at discount prices and it’s close to the main location of the festival.The locations we have chosen for this important event combine the new and the old, the modern and the classic. The opening of the festival will take place at the Palace of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Municipality of Bucharest, in the Old Center, the heart of the capital. The Ballroom Hall will take you back in time and give you the opportunity to live for an evening, the enchanting atmosphere of the high society balls of the 1900s. Terra Events Hall is a new and elegant event location that offers a generous and airy space, has a very beautiful and comfortable energy, and provides a perfect dance surface for pivoting.You don’t want to miss the glittery, sparkly, and shiny GOLDEN EARLY BIRD!REGISTER NOW!!! BE PART OF THIS ELEGANT TANGO EVENT!Detailed information:https://caminartetangoevents.roRegistration Form:https://caminartetangoevents.ro/registration/Stay informed about PURO TANGO Festival by:· Attending the FB event:https://www.facebook.com/events/303641469319650· Joining the FB group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1003575557359846 See lessBucharest, Romania

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21 noiembrie 2024@18:00
Se termină:
25 noiembrie 2024@01:00
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TERRA Events Hall


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