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That’s So 2000s Dirty Disco at Flying Circus

22 martie 2025 20:00 - 23:00

❤It’s time we hit the nostalgia chord for all the 2000s kids with a throwback to all the hits you loved back when you were young and when’s a better time to do that than on the 22th of March?

So join us in Flying Circus and make sure you bring your inner child and the sick dance moves together with you so we can bring the house down together by singing along to some international and Romanian 2000s musical gems.❤

Access: 30 lei (all night long)

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22 martie
20:00 - 23:00
Categorie Eveniment:
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Loc de desfășurare

Flying Circus Cluj
Cluj-Napoca, RO + Hartă Google


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